Build Your Skills Toolbox

Examples of policymaking as an elected official include:

  • 听ing to diverse perspectives and building consensus.
  • Energizing a group for taking action.
  • Identifying priorities.
  • Harnessing relationships to bring about positive results.
  • Seeing the big picture.


Introducing New HR Policies

(651) 281-1200

Establishing New 城市的政策

伸出手去 我们的研究人员.

Get Involved with Setting Legislative Policy

Ted Bengtson, Intergovernmental Relations Administrative Coordinator
(651) 281-1242

Other Questions About Implementing New Policies

Luke Fischer, Executive Director
(651) 281-1279

的 League’s website features several important resources for elected officials that you can explore as needed.

  • 的 Minnesota Mayors Handbook — a product of the Minnesota Mayors Association, in cooperation with the League — is a starting point for all you need to learn to be a successful mayor. It also sections on long-term planning and introducing new programs and initiatives.
  • Good Start to Good Governance (PDF) includes excerpts from League resources to help you start strong in your new role.


As a League member, you have access to a wide range of educational and networking opportunities. Find ones that work best for your schedule and learning style. 学习 about ways to build relationships with other elected officials for support and networking. 

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